Energy Management


          About the Company

          Emberpulse is designed and developed in Australia; patented internationally by Embertec. Embertec is an energy efficiency technology company with more than 1.5 million energy-saving devices across the world.

          Emberpulse is one of the most advanced energy management system guaranteeing you protection from outages and to find customers $500 in energy savings.

          Partner Company

          Emberpulse1000 1

          Product Information

          • Performance: Monitors and advises you on how to reduce your energy costs. Scans the market for you to make sure you’re always on the best energy plan. Provides solar monitoring; notifies you of system outages.

          • Service: Following the installation, if in the three year period the total value of the saving opportunities recommended does not equal to $500, you can return the unit, and the company will pay any amount which your identified savings fall short of $500.

          Key Benefits

          • $500 energy-saving guarantee

          • Ensures you’re always on the best energy plan

          • Guaranteed solar outage notifications

          • 24/7 monitoring in real-time

          Don’t let your solar savings go to waste!

          Fill in your details below and we’ll get in touch with a quote for a premium solar system tailored to your needs.